mkpreview Documentation Status

mkpreview builds a grid of images from a movie file. - Support for all video file types in FFMPEG. - It will create a SQLite3 database with all of the video meta dataparameters and create an MD5 hash of the file - It provides very basic support for creating video part numbers

Get Started!

Here’s how to set up mkpreview for local environment.

1- Clone the mkpreview locally:

$ git clone

2- Install your local copy into a virtualenv. Assuming you have virtualenvwrapper installed, this is how you set up the package for local development:

$ sudo make boostrap
$ mkvirtualenv mkpreview
$ pip install -r requirements/dev.txt

3- How to enable/disable virtualenv

$ workon mkpreview
$ ...
$ deactivate


This package was generated using Yeoman and Cookiecutter projects.