CLI Usage

Command Line Usage

usage: [-h] [–version] [-v] [-dr] [-d] [-q] [-w TILE_WIDTH]
[-r TILE_ROWS] [-c TILE_COLS] [-b TILE_BK_COLOR] [-p TILE_FG_COLOR] [-i IN_FILE] [-o OUT_DIR] [-m] [-s DBFILE] [-create-new-db] [-override OVERRIDE] [-colors] [-studio-id STUDIO_ID] [-part-id PART_ID] [-hwaccel {cuda,videotoolbox}]

This program will create a video preview file of a given video

optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--version show program’s version number and exit
-v, --verbose Turn on verbose output
-dr, --dryrun Dryrun enabled no changes will occur
-d, --debug Turn on Debugging Mode
-q, --quiet No output is produced
-w TILE_WIDTH, --tile-width TILE_WIDTH
 Tile width - Tiles are sqaure
-r TILE_ROWS, --tile-rows TILE_ROWS
 Number of rows for a preview
-c TILE_COLS, --tile-cols TILE_COLS
 Number of columns for a preview
-b TILE_BK_COLOR, --tile-backgrond TILE_BK_COLOR
 Tile Background Color
-p TILE_FG_COLOR, --tile-foreground TILE_FG_COLOR
 Tile Pen Color
-fs FONT_SIZE, –font-size FONT_SIZE
Font size for text default is 24pt
-i IN_FILE, --input IN_FILE
 Video input, can by a file or directory. If directory, it will not be recursive
-o OUT_DIR, --output-dir OUT_DIR
 Where to put the finished files
-m, --md5 Add the MD5 of the file to the filename
-s DBFILE, --store-db-file DBFILE
 Store the video information in SQLI3te file
-create-new-db Create a new database file
-override OVERRIDE save image with this filename override all other
possible choices
-colors Display List of Available Colors
-studio-id STUDIO_ID Replace the this id, first part of filename for a
part-id use in conjunction with -part-id

-part-id PART_ID Change first alpha part of filename for the part-id -hwaccel {cuda,videotoolbox}

Enable Hardware acceleration for videotoolbox or cuda

The filename of the output will be the part_id-md5-originalBaseName.png. If the part_id and md5 are unset the filename will be the original base name.png

Example 1: sample
./ -i /Users/colinbitterfield/Downloads/WhatCarCanYouGetForAGrand.mp4 \
    --output-dir /tmp/ --md5 --tile-width 320 --tile-rows 7 \
    --tile-cols 7 --tile-background yellow \
    --tile-foreground blue --font-size 60 \
    --store-db-file /tmp/myDatabase.db \
    -create-new-db -override previewcard

